Friday 17 April 2015


The Seahorse and the Reef         

by Witi Ihimaera        


1. What is the Maori Renaissance?
2. Translate these Maori words into English: pa, iwi, whanau, korero, tangi, aroha.
3. Predict what you think the story The Seahorse and the Reef might be about?

After briefly revising  New Zealand Colonial history and the Maori Renaissance, read The Seahorse and the Reef on this website:

Now watch the Youtube clip about a tangi to gain an appreciation of the forgiveness aspect of this Maori custom:
While you watch this video, see if you can make a connection to the message in Ihimaera's story.

HOMEWORK: Write one paragraph about The Seahorse and the Reef using the e-chart provided to help you organise your thoughts.

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