Monday 13 February 2017


David Beckham

The Colgate ad in this selection on the third and forth row show dentists in white coats adding credibility to the claims of the product :

The first ad shows teeth with dice markings on them with the claim at the bottom that it is “The dentist’s choice for fighting cavities” in a Crest toothpaste ad.   Notice the way in text referencing has been used.
The second ad shows a child who is obviously going through cancer treatment.  This appeals to the emotion of compassion for this unfortunate child.  It is a campaign to encourage people to donate to the St Jude Children’s Hospital.

Car accident victims (first row of images) appealing to pathos

Mercedes 4WD

Top Gear Best Car Advertisements. In the first ad a young boy is seen admiring his father who is a celebrity driver, showing ethos and pathos.

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