Friday 24 February 2017

Monday 20 February 2017

Welcome Lavinia!

This is the place you go to get updates on work while you are away from 28 February to 14 March 2017.

Handy links
The Oxford English Dictionary  (You might need to search for an OED app for your phone).
Thesaurus for synonyms:

NZQA - look for AS91105 2.8A

For AS2.8 you are expected to form your own question independently (hypothesis to prove or disprove) and then seek, locate, select, record and evaluate the information yourself.  It is expected that you form new understandings independently.  You may collect information in and out of class, so you may do this while you are away.  Because you will be away during the assessment deadline, you may have an extension after you come back to write up a report of your findings when you have returned.  You need six pieces of evidence for your research and evidence that is not from the research pack needs to be printed off and stapled to your submission.  You are expected to underline and annotate your piece of research.  "Annotate" means that you are expected to make notes at the side of relevant paragraphs.  Don't forget to keep the title of the publication, author/s names, date of publication and URL address.  

You need to plan a compare and contrast essay for this assessment.  There will be an introduction, three main body paragraphs, and a conclusion.  In each paragraph you will need to use two pieces of evidence.  One piece of evidence will be used to argue for your hypothesis and the other piece of evidence will be used to argue against it.  Therefore, for three paragraphs you will need a total of six pieces of research evidence.

Remember your paragraph structure: 
Example (paraphrase or quotes)
Tie back to your main point, preferably with a reference to the world or with a new idea or insight.

If you have spare time after your research for AS2.8, start reading and thinking about writing a second personal response form your research pack.  This will go towards your AS2.9 Wide Reading Log  It needs to be a differnt type of text from your first one which was an academic journal article.  So something like the news article from the web near the end of the research pack would be suitable. 

Friday 17 February 2017

Links from lessons 13 -17 February 2017


First and second advertisement on this site:
The first advertisement shows teeth with dice markings on them with the claim at the bottom that it is “The dentist’s choice for fighting cavities”  referring to Crest toothpaste.  There is an example of in text APA referencing (Floyd, 2011, pp. 154-155) in the first paragraph.
In the second advertisement, people are being encouraged to donate to the St Jude Children’s Hospital. It shows a child who appears to be going through cancer treatment because they have a shaved head.  This appeals to the emotion of compassion for this unfortunate child, therefore using the persuasive technique of pathos.

What is similar and what is different between these two images:
David Beckham
Roger Federer with a Mercedes (third image down the page)

Car accident victim (first row of images) using pathos

Land Rover 4WD (using logos)

Datsun 280-ZX (selection)

Top Gear - Best Car Advertisements (using ethose and pathos)
In the first advertisement (from the start to about 1 minute) a young boy is seen admiring a celebrity driver who appears to be his father. 

America and the Ford Mustang

Top Gear team presenting a blue, black and white car in a road race promoting the qualities of the Volkswagon Scirrocco.  Notice the subliminal message being given about the slower but steady and conservative blue car winning the race eventually over the faster white and black cars who have to stop to refuel.  Watch the first minute only.

Red Bull ad with Aucklander Mike Whiddett  (notice how the rule of thirds is used)

NZ Grand Prix advertisement (also notice the messages being given about the change in colour)

Monday 13 February 2017


David Beckham

The Colgate ad in this selection on the third and forth row show dentists in white coats adding credibility to the claims of the product :

The first ad shows teeth with dice markings on them with the claim at the bottom that it is “The dentist’s choice for fighting cavities” in a Crest toothpaste ad.   Notice the way in text referencing has been used.
The second ad shows a child who is obviously going through cancer treatment.  This appeals to the emotion of compassion for this unfortunate child.  It is a campaign to encourage people to donate to the St Jude Children’s Hospital.

Car accident victims (first row of images) appealing to pathos

Mercedes 4WD

Top Gear Best Car Advertisements. In the first ad a young boy is seen admiring his father who is a celebrity driver, showing ethos and pathos.
The Thesaurus is a great tool for finding synonyms:  Here is the link:

Once you have read your article and made notes about two focus points, plan your writing as follows:

Paragraph 1: Synopsis
Write a brief synopsis containing two to three sentences about paragraph two and three in that order.

Paragraph 2:  Focus one                       
Tie back to your point

Paragraph 3:  Focus two                       
Tie back to your point

Paragraph 4:  Conclusion
Write a conclusion about your point in focus one, and then your point in focus two.

As you are writing from your perspective, it is expected that you will use the personal pronouns I and/or me in this writing.


                           1st person singular    2nd person singular    3rd person singular
Before the verb               I                              you                      he/she             
After the verb                 me                           you                      his/her             

Friday 10 February 2017


Familiarize yourself with APA 6 referencing by going to the Auckland University links and clicking on APA or APA 6 wherever it appears on the following pages:

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) app for your smartphone, if you have one, is a very convenient mobile dictionary which will help you with checking your spelling.  This is not mandatory - just a suggestion.

NZQA links to the Achievement Standard AS91106 - 2.9B:
These links are your guidelines for the English 2.9 Reading Log in which you make personal responses to texts you have read.

The 2.9 Reading log requires personal responses to six texts.  Four must be written and the remaining two may be visual, oral or written.
Writing a personal response to your first research article.
You are required to form developed, personal responses to independently read texts, supported by evidence.  Express your viewpoint on the text.  Respond to links between the text and self (such as personal contexts and prior knowledge), and respond to links between the text and the world (such as connections with knowledge, experience, ideas and imagination from social, cultural, literary, political, or historical contexts).  Your personal responses must be reasoned, clear, and relevant.  It is desirable that these personal responses also demonstrate understandings that are insightful and/or original.
This exercise means that you are expressing your personal opinion about the text you have read.  Features that will be expected are the use of personal pronouns in the first person, language features used for effect and that there is a link to wider society.

While you read the article, highlight/underline relevant points and quotes.  Make brief summary notes on the side of relevant sections from this highlighting.  Finally, make bullet points and plan your thoughts logically.  Now you are ready for writing.
Here are the links to the advertisements we looked at using pathos, ethos and logos to persuade their audience to take notice of their product:
Nissan 2015 Super Bowl commercial “With Dad” advertisement

1950s advertisements showing just technical specifications

Ritchie McCaw giving a celebrity endorsement of a brand of headphones